Dr An Pham is a Head & Neck Surgeon, Otolaryngologist (ENT), have practice in Waverley Private Hospital in Mount Waverley, VIC and Melbourne ENT Group in Richmond, VIC. Dr An Pham has 161 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.

MBBS BMedSci (Hons) PGradDipSurgAnat FRACS (OHNS)

Waverley Private Hospital would like to introduce Dr An Pham, ENT, Head and Neck Surgeon. Dr An Pham is a fellow of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons, specialising in Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery.She graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2007 with a double degree in Medical Science for which she received First Class Honours for her thesis.During her residency, An has worked at a range of Victorian hospitals including Monash Health and Eastern Health and prior to commencing her otolaryngology training spent two years as a General Surgical Registrar. An trained in Otorhinolaryngology from 2014-2018, including spending six months at Westmead Children’s Hospital, Sydney, and six months at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne.An has public appointments at the Austin Hospital and the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital.She is approachable and empathetic and is passionate about educating patients and teaching junior doctors.She welcomes all ENT referrals.

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  • Practice name Waverley Private Hospital
  • Address Waverley Private Hospital Consulting Suites, 343-357 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley, VIC
  • Suburb or City Mount Waverley, VIC
  • Practice name Melbourne ENT Group
  • Address Level 1, 449 Swan Street, Richmond, VIC
  • Suburb or City Richmond, VIC
What is the Dr An Pham's specialty?
Dr An Pham is a Head & Neck Surgeon, Otolaryngologist (ENT).
What is the address of the Dr An Pham's practice?
Dr An Pham works at Waverley Private Hospital Consulting Suites, 343-357 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley, VIC
What are the Dr An Pham's qualifications?

MBBS BMedSci (Hons) PGradDipSurgAnat FRACS (OHNS)

Waverley Private Hospital would like to introduce Dr An Pham, ENT, Head and Neck Surgeon. Dr An Pham is a fellow of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons, specialising in Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery.She graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2007 with a double degree in Medical Science for which she received First Class Honours for her thesis.During her residency, An has worked at a range of Victorian hospitals including Monash Health and Eastern Health and prior to commencing her otolaryngology training spent two years as a General Surgical Registrar. An trained in Otorhinolaryngology from 2014-2018, including spending six months at Westmead Children’s Hospital, Sydney, and six months at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne.An has public appointments at the Austin Hospital and the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital.She is approachable and empathetic and is passionate about educating patients and teaching junior doctors.She welcomes all ENT referrals.


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